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Hello, really good blog. Finally someone gives helpful data.


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Beautifully said, Nancy. Being a mom of two small children myself, I entirely relate. There is a pull from and toward media in our generation that makes us FEEL like we're seizing the moment in "real time" and yet it simultaneously feels very unsatisfying. I daily feel a powerful urge to just chuck the phone/computer, lie in the grass, and watch the clouds with my kids. Why don't I do it? For all our time-saving devices, we have only increased the demands on ourselves...now that we CAN communicate immediately, we're expected to. I wish sometimes we could throw it all away and just listen to the breeze in the trees.

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Awesome read, i was speaking to a friend the other week about the same topic and gave him this site to visit.

Cynthia Deans

It's an amazing experience, watching your family or, vicariously, watching a dear friend's family grow. I am blessed to have sat on the sidelines, occasionally subbing for an 'injured' (read - stressed out, looking for rational discussion with another adult, friend) experiencing the joys (and trials, "...puullease, Nick, no more breakfast up your nose..." of newly minted human beings.
You and the Blond God have surpassed any expectations or dreams I could have imagined in developing the 'Clan of the Bloody Bright Sparks'.
I love you all, and the smile on my face as I type this conveys the benefit being able to love thusly bestows on the giver.


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